- 過去股票紅利是照面額計算 (Ex. 分紅10萬,相當10張股票,但是股票市值往往遠超過面額)
- 依據上一點,「面額」及「市值」之間的成本便由小股東承擔了,也造成每股盈餘不明的情況
- 費用化後,因員工配股張數是以「分紅金額」除以前一年最後交易日的股價
滿有趣的一點是:Node 團隊在前年左右放棄繼續遵守 CommonJS 的規範。Isaac 指出 "Ryan basically always gave zero fucks about CommonJS anyway" ,並轉述了 Ryan 的一句重話 : "Forget CommonJS. It's dead. We are server side JavaScript."
( Issac 是 NPM 的作者, Ryan 是 Node 之父 )
Just the UI
Lots of people use React as the V in MVC. Since React makes no assumptions about the rest of your technology stack, it's easy to try it out on a small feature in an existing project.
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