2013年12月17日 星期二

warning: toplevel constant Model referenced by NS::Model

Your User::File class is not loaded. You have to require it (e.g. in user.rb).
The following happens when ruby/rails sees User::Info and evaluates it (simplified; only User is defined yet).
  • check if User::Info is defined - it is not (yet)
  • check if Info is defined - it is not (yet)
  • uninitialized constant -> do rails magic to find the user/info.rb file and require it
  • return User::Info
Now lets do it again for User::File
  • check if User::File is defined - it is not (yet)
  • check if File is defined - it is (because ruby has a built in File class)!
  • produce a warning, because we've been asked for User::File but got ::File
  • return ::File

裡面提到了要手動 Require NameSpace 下的 Model,但是如果 NS 下的 model 本身有繼承到 NS 外的 Model,要確保在父類別宣告後建立才行。所以最好是在父類別檔案的結尾處 require。

